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2 definitions found

From: Easton's 1897 Bible Dictionary

    a park; generally with the article, "the park." (1.) A prominent
    headland of Central Palestine, consisting of several connected
    hills extending from the plain of Esdraelon to the sea, a
    distance of some 12 miles or more. At the east end, in its
    highest part, it is 1,728 feet high, and at the west end it
    forms a promontory to the bay of Acre about 600 feet above the
    sea. It lay within the tribe of Asher. It was here, at the east
    end of the ridge, at a place called el-Mukhrakah (i.e., the
    place of burning), that Elijah brought back the people to their
    allegiance to God, and slew the prophets of Baal (1 Kings 18).
    Here were consumed the "fifties" of the royal guard; and here
    also Elisha received the visit of the bereaved mother whose son
    was restored by him to life (2 Kings 4:25-37). "No mountain in
    or around Palestine retains its ancient beauty so much as
    Carmel. Two or three villages and some scattered cottages are
    found on it; its groves are few but luxuriant; it is no place
    for crags and precipices or rocks of wild goats; but its surface
    is covered with a rich and constant verdure." "The whole
    mountain-side is dressed with blossom, and flowering shrubs, and
    fragrant herbs." The western extremity of the ridge is, however,
    more rocky and bleak than the eastern. The head of the bride in
    Cant. 7:5 is compared to Carmel. It is ranked with Bashan on
    account of its rich pastures (Isa. 33:9; Jer. 50:19; Amos 1:2).
    The whole ridge is deeply furrowed with rocky ravines filled
    with dense jungle. There are many caves in its sides, which at
    one time were inhabited by swarms of monks. These caves are
    referred to in Amos 9:3. To them Elijah and Elisha often
    resorted (1 Kings 18:19, 42; 2 Kings 2:25). On its north-west
    summit there is an ancient establishment of Carmelite monks.
    Vineyards have recently been planted on the mount by the German
    colonists of Haifa. The modern Arabic name of the mount is
    Kurmul, but more commonly Jebel Mar Elyas, i.e., Mount St.
    Elias, from the Convent of Elias.
      (2.) A town in the hill country of Judah (Josh. 15:55), the
    residence of Nabal (1 Sam. 25:2, 5, 7, 40), and the native place
    of Abigail, who became David's wife (1 Sam. 27:3). Here king
    Uzziah had his vineyards (2 Chr. 26:10). The ruins of this town
    still remain under the name of Kurmul, about 10 miles
    south-south-east of Hebron, close to those of Maon.

From: Hitchcock's Bible Names Dictionary (late 1800's)

 Carmel, circumcised lamb; harvest; full of ears of corn