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From: DICT.TW English-Chinese Dictionary 英漢字典

 court /ˈkort, ˈkɔrt/

From: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

 Court n.
 1. An inclosed space; a courtyard; an uncovered area shut in by the walls of a building, or by different building; also, a space opening from a street and nearly surrounded by houses; a blind alley.
    The courts of the house of our God.   --Ps. cxxxv. 2.
 And round the cool green courts there ran a row
 Of cloisters.   --Tennyson.
    Goldsmith took a garret in a miserable court.   --Macaulay.
 2. The residence of a sovereign, prince, nobleman, or other dignitary; a palace.
    Attends the emperor in his royal court.   --Shak.
 This our court, infected with their manners,
 Shows like a riotous inn.   --Shak.
 3. The collective body of persons composing the retinue of a sovereign or person high in authority; all the surroundings of a sovereign in his regal state.
    My lord, there is a nobleman of the court at door would speak with you.   --Shak.
    Love rules the court, the camp, the grove.   --Sir. W. Scott.
 4. Any formal assembling of the retinue of a sovereign; as, to hold a court.
    The princesses held their court within the fortress.   --Macaulay.
 5. Attention directed to a person in power; conduct or address designed to gain favor; courtliness of manners; civility; compliment; flattery.
 No solace could her paramour intreat
 Her once to show, ne court, nor dalliance.   --Spenser.
    I went to make my court to the Duke and Duchess of Newcastle.   --Evelyn.
 6. Law (a) The hall, chamber, or place, where justice is administered. (b) The persons officially assembled under authority of law, at the appropriate time and place, for the administration of justice; an official assembly, legally met together for the transaction of judicial business; a judge or judges sitting for the hearing or trial of causes. (c) A tribunal established for the administration of justice. (d) The judge or judges; as distinguished from the counsel or jury, or both.
 Most heartily I do beseech the court
 To give the judgment.   --Shak.
 7. The session of a judicial assembly.
 8. Any jurisdiction, civil, military, or ecclesiastical.
 9. A place arranged for playing the game of tennis; also, one of the divisions of a tennis court.
 Christian court, the English ecclesiastical courts in the aggregate, or any one of them.
 Court breeding, education acquired at court.
 Court card. Same as Coat card.
 Court circular, one or more paragraphs of news respecting the sovereign and the royal family, together with the proceedings or movements of the court generally, supplied to the newspapers by an officer specially charged with such duty. [Eng.] --Edwards.
 Court of claims Law, a court for settling claims against a state or government; specif., a court of the United States, created by act of Congress, and holding its sessions at Washington. It is given jurisdiction over claims on contracts against the government, and sometimes may advise the government as to its liabilities.
 Court day, a day on which a court sits to administer justice.
 Court dress, the dress prescribed for appearance at the court of a sovereign.
 Court fool, a buffoon or jester, formerly kept by princes and nobles for their amusement.
 Court guide, a directory of the names and adresses of the nobility and gentry in a town.
 Court hand, the hand or manner of writing used in records and judicial proceedings. --Shak.
 Court lands Eng. Law, lands kept in demesne, -- that is, for the use of the lord and his family.
 Court marshal, one who acts as marshal for a court.
 Court party, a party attached to the court.
 Court rolls, the records of a court. SeeRoll.
 Court in banc, or  Court in bank, The full court sitting at its regular terms for the hearing of arguments upon questions of law, as distinguished from a sitting at nisi prius.
 Court of Arches, audience, etc. See under Arches, Audience, etc.
 Court of Chancery. See Chancery, n.
 Court of Common pleas. Law See Common pleas, under Common.
 Court of Equity. See under Equity, and Chancery.
 Court of Inquiry Mil. , a court appointed to inquire into and report on some military matter, as the conduct of an officer.
 Court of St. James, the usual designation of the British Court; -- so called from the old palace of St. James, which is used for the royal receptions, levees, and drawing-rooms.
 The court of the Lord, the temple at Jerusalem; hence, a church, or Christian house of worship.
 General Court, the legislature of a State; -- so called from having had, in the colonial days, judicial power; as, the General Court of Massachusetts. [U.S.]
 To pay one's court, to seek to gain favor by attentions. “Alcibiades was assiduous in paying his court to Tissaphernes.” --Jowett.
 To put out of court, to refuse further judicial hearing.

From: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

 Court, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Courted; p. pr. & vb. n. Courting.]
 1. To endeavor to gain the favor of by attention or flattery; to try to ingratiate one's self with.
    By one person, hovever, Portland was still assiduously courted.   --Macaulay.
 2. To endeavor to gain the affections of; to seek in marriage; to woo.
 If either of you both love Katharina . . .
 Leave shall you have to court her at your pleasure.   --Shak.
 3. To attempt to gain; to solicit; to seek.
    They might almost seem to have courted the crown of martyrdom.   --Prescott.
    Guilt and misery . . . court privacy and solitude.   --De Quincey.
 4. To invite by attractions; to allure; to attract.
 A well-worn pathway courted us
 To one green wicket in a privet hedge.   --Tennyson.

From: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

 Court, v. i.
 1. To play the lover; to woo; as, to go courting.

From: WordNet (r) 2.0

      n 1: an assembly (including one or more judges) to conduct
           judicial business [syn: tribunal, judicature]
      2: the sovereign and his advisers who are the governing power
         of a state [syn: royal court]
      3: a specially marked area within which a game is played;
         "players had to reserve a court in advance"
      4: a room in which a law court sits; "television cameras were
         admitted in the courtroom" [syn: courtroom]
      5: a yard wholly or partly surrounded by walls or buildings;
         "the house was built around an inner court" [syn: courtyard]
      6: the residence of a sovereign or nobleman; "the king will
         visit the duke's court"
      7: the family and retinue of a sovereign or prince [syn: royal
      8: a hotel for motorists; provides direct access from rooms to
         parking area [syn: motor hotel, motor inn, motor
         lodge, tourist court]
      9: Australian woman tennis player who won many major
         championships (born in 1947) [syn: Margaret Court]
      10: respectful deference; "pay court to the emperor" [syn: homage]
      v 1: make amorous advances towards; "John is courting Mary" [syn:
            woo, romance, solicit]
      2: seek someone's favor; "China is wooing Russia" [syn: woo]
      3: engage in social activities leading to marriage; "We were
         courting for over ten years"

From: Easton's 1897 Bible Dictionary

    the enclosure of the tabernacle (Ex. 27:9-19; 40:8), of the
    temple (1 Kings 6:36), of a prison (Neh. 3:25), of a private
    house (2 Sam. 17:18), and of a king's palace (2 Kings 20:4).