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2 definitions found

From: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

 Mill, n.
 1. A machine for grinding or comminuting any substance, as grain, by rubbing and crushing it between two hard, rough, or indented surfaces; as, a gristmill, a coffee mill; a bone mill.
 2. A machine used for expelling the juice, sap, etc., from vegetable tissues by pressure, or by pressure in combination with a grinding, or cutting process; as, a cider mill; a cane mill.
 3. A machine for grinding and polishing; as, a lapidary mill.
 4. A common name for various machines which produce a manufactured product, or change the form of a raw material by the continuous repetition of some simple action; as, a sawmill; a stamping mill, etc.
 5. A building or collection of buildings with machinery by which the processes of manufacturing are carried on; as, a cotton mill; a powder mill; a rolling mill.
 6. Die Sinking A hardened steel roller having a design in relief, used for imprinting a reversed copy of the design in a softer metal, as copper.
 7. Mining (a) An excavation in rock, transverse to the workings, from which material for filling is obtained. (b) A passage underground through which ore is shot.
 8. A milling cutter. See Illust. under Milling.
 9. A pugilistic encounter. [Cant]
 10. Short for Treadmill.
 11.  The raised or ridged edge or surface made in milling anything, as a coin or screw.
 Edge mill, Flint mill, etc. See under Edge, Flint, etc.
 Mill bar Iron Works, a rough bar rolled or drawn directly from a bloom or puddle bar for conversion into merchant iron in the mill.
 Mill cinder, slag from a puddling furnace.
 Mill head, the head of water employed to turn the wheel of a mill.
 Mill pick, a pick for dressing millstones.
 Mill pond, a pond that supplies the water for a mill.
 Mill race, the canal in which water is conveyed to a mill wheel, or the current of water which drives the wheel.
 Mill tail, the water which flows from a mill wheel after turning it, or the channel in which the water flows.
 Mill tooth, a grinder or molar tooth.
 Mill wheel, the water wheel that drives the machinery of a mill.
 Gin mill, a tavern; a bar; a saloon; especially, a cheap or seedy establishment that serves liquor by the drink.
 Roller mill, a mill in which flour or meal is made by crushing grain between rollers.
 Stamp mill Mining, a mill in which ore is crushed by stamps.
 To go through the mill, to experience the suffering or discipline necessary to bring one to a certain degree of knowledge or skill, or to a certain mental state.

From: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

 Roll·er n.
 1. One who, or that which, rolls; especially, a cylinder, sometimes grooved, of wood, stone, metal, etc., used in husbandry and the arts.
 2. A bandage; a fillet; properly, a long and broad bandage used in surgery.
 3. Naut. One of series of long, heavy waves which roll in upon a coast, sometimes in calm weather.
 4. A long, belt-formed towel, to be suspended on a rolling cylinder; -- called also roller towel.
 5. Print. A cylinder coated with a composition made principally of glue and molassess, with which forms of type are inked previously to taking an impression from them.
 6. A long cylinder on which something is rolled up; as, the roller of a map.
 7. A small wheel, as of a caster, a roller skate, etc.
 8. Zool. Any insect whose larva rolls up leaves; a leaf roller. see Tortrix.
 9.  Zool. Any one of numerous species of Old World picarian birds of the family Coraciadae. The name alludes to their habit of suddenly turning over or “tumbling” in flight.
 Note:Many of the species are brilliantly colored. The common European species (Coracias garrula) has the head, neck, and under parts light blue varied with green, the scapulars chestnut brown, and the tail blue, green, and black. The broad-billed rollers of India and Africa belong to the genus Eurystomus, as the oriental roller (Eurystomus orientalis), and the Australian roller, or dollar bird (Eurystomus Pacificus).  The latter is dark brown on the head and neck, sea green on the back, and bright blue on the throat, base of the tail, and parts of the wings.  It has a silvery-white spot on the middle of each wing.  The lilac-breasted roller of Africa is Corcia caudata caudata, a brightly colored bird of the family Corciidae having malachite green, blue, purple-lilac, brown and sea-green feathers from head to tail;  it is a popular sight with tourists in Africa.

Zimbabwe Menu

     The Lilac-breasted Roller (also lilacbreasted roller, Coracias caudata) is a common resident in large parts of the Southern African region including Zimbabwe, Zambia, Botswana, Namibia, Mozambique and parts of South Africa.
     They are found in a variety of woodland types and will usually be seen hawking for insects from a favoured position in a tall tree, telephone pole or similar vantage point.  They tend to be quite noisy when carrying out their characteristic aerobatic display.  The Lilacbreasted Roller differs from its Racket-tailed cousin in that it has pointed tail feathers not spatulate tips. The latter bird is less well distributed than the Lilacbreasted and favours moist broad-leafed woodland and hill country.
 Lilac breasted roller from an alternative photographic view of Victoria Falls by Chris Worden.
    Taken from the Web site of the Zambezi">http://www.zambezi.co.uk/l/cw06.html">Zambezi Safari and Travel Co., Ltd.
 10. Zool. Any species of small ground snakes of the family Tortricidae.
 Ground roller Zool., any one of several species of Madagascar rollers belonging to Atelornis and allied genera.  They are nocturnal birds, and feed on the ground.
 Roller bolt, the bar in a carriage to which the traces are attached; a whiffletree. [Eng.]
 Roller gin, a cotton gin inn which rolls are used for separating the seeds from the fiber.
 Roller mill. See under Mill.
 Roller skate, a skate which has small wheels in the place of the metallic runner; -- designed for use in skating upon a smooth, hard surface, other than ice.