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6 definitions found

From: DICT.TW English-Chinese Dictionary 英漢字典


From: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

 Burn v. t. [imp. & p. p. Burned (bûrnd) or Burnt (bûrnt); p. pr. & vb. n. Burning.]
 1. To consume with fire; to reduce to ashes by the action of heat or fire; -- frequently intensified by up: as, to burn up wood. “We'll burn his body in the holy place.”
 2. To injure by fire or heat; to change destructively some property or properties of, by undue exposure to fire or heat; to scorch; to scald; to blister; to singe; to char; to sear; as, to burn steel in forging; to burn one's face in the sun; the sun burns the grass.
 3. To perfect or improve by fire or heat; to submit to the action of fire or heat for some economic purpose; to destroy or change some property or properties of, by exposure to fire or heat in due degree for obtaining a desired residuum, product, or effect; to bake; as, to burn clay in making bricks or pottery; to burn wood so as to produce charcoal; to burn limestone for the lime.
 4. To make or produce, as an effect or result, by the application of fire or heat; as, to burn a hole; to burn charcoal; to burn letters into a block.
 5. To consume, injure, or change the condition of, as if by action of fire or heat; to affect as fire or heat does; as, to burn the mouth with pepper.
    This tyrant fever burns me up.   --Shak.
    This dry sorrow burns up all my tears.   --Dryden.
    When the cold north wind bloweth, . . . it devoureth the mountains, and burneth the wilderness, and consumeth the ░░ass as fire.   --Ecclus. xliii. 20, 21.
 6. Surg. To apply a cautery to; to cauterize.
 7. Chem. To cause to combine with oxygen or other active agent, with evolution of heat; to consume; to oxidize; as, a man burns a certain amount of carbon at each respiration; to burn iron in oxygen.
 To burn, To burn together, as two surfaces of metal Engin., to fuse and unite them by pouring over them a quantity of the same metal in a liquid state.
 To burn a bowl Game of Bowls, to displace it accidentally, the bowl so displaced being said to be burned.
 To burn daylight, to light candles before it is dark; to waste time; to perform superfluous actions. --Shak.
 To burn one's fingers, to get one's self into unexpected trouble, as by interfering the concerns of others, speculation, etc.
 To burn out, (a) to destroy or obliterate by burning.  “Must you with hot irons burn out mine eyes?” --Shak. (b) to force (people) to flee by burning their homes or places of business; as, the rioters burned out the Chinese businessmen.
 To be burned out, to suffer loss by fire, as the burning of one's house, store, or shop, with the contents.
 To burn up, To burn down, to burn entirely.

From: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

 Burnt p. p. & a. Consumed with, or as with, fire; scorched or dried, as with fire or heat; baked or hardened in the fire or the sun.
 Burnt ear, a black, powdery fungus which destroys grain. See Smut.
 Burnt offering, something offered and burnt on an altar, as an atonement for sin; a sacrifice. The offerings of the Jews were a clean animal, as an ox, a calf, a goat, or a sheep; or some vegetable substance, as bread, or ears of wheat or barley. Called also burnt sacrifice. --[2 Sam. xxiv. 22.]

From: WordNet (r) 2.0

      n 1: pain that feels hot as if it were on fire [syn: burning]
      2: a browning of the skin resulting from exposure to the rays
         of the sun [syn: tan, suntan, sunburn]
      3: an injury cause by exposure to heat or chemicals or
      4: a burned place or area [syn: burn mark]
      5: damage inflicted by burning
      v 1: destroy by fire; "They burned the house and his diaries"
           [syn: fire, burn down]
      2: shine intensely, as if with heat; "The coals were glowing in
         the dark"; "The candles were burning" [syn: glow]
      3: undergo combustion; "Maple wood burns well" [syn: combust]
      4: cause a sharp or stinging pain or discomfort; "The sun
         burned his face" [syn: bite, sting]
      5: cause to burn or combust; "The sun burned off the fog"; "We
         combust coal and other fossil fuels" [syn: combust]
      6: feel strong emotion, especially anger or passion; "She was
         burning with anger"; "He was burning to try out his new
      7: cause to undergo combustion; "burn garbage"; "The car burns
         only Diesel oil" [syn: incinerate]
      8: burn at the stake; "Witches were burned in Salem"
      9: spend (significant amounts of money); "He has money to burn"
      10: feel hot or painful; "My eyes are burning"
      11: burn, sear, or freeze (tissue) using a hot iron or electric
          current or a caustic agent; "The surgeon cauterized the
          wart" [syn: cauterize, cauterise]
      12: get a sunburn by overexposure to the sun [syn: sunburn]
      13: create by duplicating data; "cut a disk"; "burn a CD" [syn:
      14: use up (energy); "burn off calories through vigorous
          exercise" [syn: burn off, burn up]
      15: burn with heat, fire, or radiation; "The iron burnt a hole
          in my dress"
      [also: burnt]

From: WordNet (r) 2.0

      adj 1: ruined by overcooking; "she served us underdone bacon and
             burnt buscuits" [syn: burned]
      2: having undergone oxidation; "burned powder" [syn: burned]
         [ant: unburned]
      3: treated by heating to a high temperature but below the
         melting or fusing point; "burnt sienna" [syn: burned]
      4: hardened by subjecting to intense heat; "baked bricks";
         "burned bricks" [syn: baked, burned]
      5: destroyed or badly damaged by fire; "a row of burned
         houses"; "a charred bit of burnt wood"; "barricaded the
         street with burnt-out cars" [syn: burned, burned-out,

From: WordNet (r) 2.0

      See burn