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6 definitions found

From: DICT.TW English-Chinese Dictionary 英漢字典

 dull /ˈdʌl/

From: DICT.TW English-Chinese Medical Dictionary 英漢醫學字典

 dull /ˈdəl/ 形容詞

From: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

 Dull a. [Compar. Duller superl. Dullest.]
 1. Slow of understanding; wanting readiness of apprehension; stupid; doltish; blockish. Dull at classical learning.”
    She is not bred so dull but she can learn.   --Shak.
 2. Slow in action; sluggish; unready; awkward.
    This people's heart is waxed gross, and their ears are dull of hearing.   --Matt. xiii. 15.
    O, help my weak wit and sharpen my dull tongue.   --Spenser.
 3. Insensible; unfeeling.
 Think me not
 So dull a devil to forget the loss
 Of such a matchless wife.   -- Beau. & Fl.
 4. Not keen in edge or point; lacking sharpness; blunt. “Thy scythe is dull.”
 5. Not bright or clear to the eye; wanting in liveliness of color or luster; not vivid; obscure; dim; as, a dull fire or lamp; a dull red or yellow; a dull mirror.
 6. Heavy; gross; cloggy; insensible; spiritless; lifeless; inert. “The dull earth.”
    As turning the logs will make a dull fire burn, so changes of study a dull brain.   -- Longfellow.
 7. Furnishing little delight, spirit, or variety; uninteresting; tedious; cheerless; gloomy; melancholy; depressing; as, a dull story or sermon; a dull occupation or period; hence, cloudy; overcast; as, a dull day.
    Along life's dullest, dreariest walk.   -- Keble.
 Syn: -- Lifeless; inanimate; dead; stupid; doltish; heavy; sluggish; sleepy; drowsy; gross; cheerless; tedious; irksome; dismal; dreary; clouded; tarnished; obtuse. See Lifeless.

From: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

 Dull, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Duller p. pr. & vb. n. Dulling.]
 1. To deprive of sharpness of edge or point. “This . . . dulled their swords.”
    Borrowing dulls the edge of husbandry.   --Shak.
 2. To make dull, stupid, or sluggish; to stupefy, as the senses, the feelings, the perceptions, and the like.
 Those [drugs] she has
 Will stupefy and dull the sense a while.   --Shak.
    Use and custom have so dulled our eyes.   --Trench.
 3. To render dim or obscure; to sully; to tarnish. Dulls the mirror.”
 4. To deprive of liveliness or activity; to render heavy; to make inert; to depress; to weary; to sadden.
    Attention of mind . . . wasted or dulled through continuance.   --Hooker.

From: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

 Dull, v. i. To become dull or stupid.

From: WordNet (r) 2.0

      adj 1: lacking in liveliness or animation; "he was so dull at
             parties"; "a dull political campaign"; "a large dull
             impassive man"; "dull days with nothing to do"; "how
             dull and dreary the world is"; "fell back into one of
             her dull moods" [ant: lively]
      2: emitting or reflecting very little light; "a dull glow";
         "dull silver badly in need of a polish"; "a dull sky"
         [ant: bright]
      3: being or made softer or less loud or clear; "the dull boom
         of distant breaking waves"; "muffled drums"; "the muffled
         noises of the street"; "muted trumpets" [syn: muffled, muted,
      4: so lacking in interest as to cause mental weariness; "a
         boring evening with uninteresting people"; "the deadening
         effect of some routine tasks"; "a dull play"; "his
         competent but dull performance"; "a ho-hum speaker who
         couldn't capture their attention"; "what an irksome task
         the writing of long letters is"- Edmund Burke; "tedious
         days on the train"; "the tiresome chirping of a cricket"-
         Mark Twain; "other people's dreams are dreadfully
         wearisome" [syn: boring, deadening, ho-hum, irksome,
          slow, tedious, tiresome, wearisome]
      5: (of color) very low in saturation; highly diluted; "dull
         greens and blues"
      6: not keenly felt; "a dull throbbing"; "dull pain" [ant: sharp]
      7: slow to learn or understand; lacking intellectual acuity;
         "so dense he never understands anything I say to him";
         "never met anyone quite so dim"; "although dull at
         classical learning, at mathematics he was uncommonly
         quick"- Thackeray; "dumb officials make some really dumb
         decisions"; "he was either normally stupid or being
         deliberately obtuse"; "worked with the slow students"
         [syn: dense, dim, dumb, obtuse, slow]
      8: (of business) not active or brisk; "business is dull (or
         slow)"; "a sluggish market" [syn: slow, sluggish]
      9: not having a sharp edge or point; "the knife was too dull to
         be of any use" [ant: sharp]
      10: blunted in responsiveness or sensibility; "a dull gaze"; "so
          exhausted she was dull to what went on about her"- Willa
      11: not clear and resonant; sounding as if striking with or
          against something relatively soft; "the dull thud";
          "thudding bullets" [syn: thudding]
      12: darkened with overcast; "a dark day"; "a dull sky"; "a gray
          rainy afternoon"; "gray clouds"; "the sky was leaden and
          thick" [syn: gray, grey, leaden]
      v 1: make dull in appearance; "Age had dulled the surface"
      2: become dull or lusterless in appearance; lose shine or
         brightness; "the varnished table top dulled with time"
      3: deaden (a sound or noise), especially by wrapping [syn: muffle,
          mute, damp, dampen, tone down]
      4: make numb or insensitive; "The shock numbed her senses"
         [syn: numb, benumb, blunt]
      5: make dull or blunt; "Too much cutting dulls the knife's
         edge" [syn: blunt] [ant: sharpen]
      6: become less interesting or attractive [syn: pall]
      7: make less lively or vigorous; "Middle age dulled her
         appetite for travel"