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5 definitions found

From: DICT.TW English-Chinese Dictionary 英漢字典

 liv·ing /ˈlɪvɪŋ/

From: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

 Live v. i. [imp. & p. p. Lived p. pr. & vb. n. Living.]
 1. To be alive; to have life; to have, as an animal or a plant, the capacity of assimilating matter as food, and to be dependent on such assimilation for a continuance of existence; as, animals and plants that live to a great age are long in reaching maturity.
    Thus saith the Lord God unto these bones; Behold, I will . . . lay sinews upon you, and will bring up flesh upon you, and cover you with skin, and put breath in you, and ye shall live.   --Ezek. xxxvii. 5, 6.
 2. To pass one's time; to pass life or time in a certain manner, as to habits, conduct, or circumstances; as, to live in ease or affluence; to live happily or usefully.
    O death, how bitter is the remembrance of thee to a man that liveth at rest in his possessions!   --Ecclus. xli. 1.
 3. To make one's abiding place or home; to abide; to dwell; to reside; as, to live in a cottage by the sea.
    Jacob lived in the land of Egypt seventeen years.   --Gen. xlvii. 28.
 4. To be or continue in existence; to exist; to remain; to be permanent; to last; -- said of inanimate objects, ideas, etc.
 Men's evil manners live in brass; their virtues
 We write in water.   --Shak.
 5. To enjoy or make the most of life; to be in a state of happiness; as, people want not just to exist, but to live.
 What greater curse could envious fortune give
 Than just to die when I began to live?   --Dryden.
 6. To feed; to subsist; to be nourished or supported; -- with on; as, horses live on grass and grain.
 7. To have a spiritual existence; to be quickened, nourished, and actuated by divine influence or faith.
    The just shall live by faith.   --Gal. iii. ll.
 8. To be maintained in life; to acquire a livelihood; to subsist; -- with on or by; as, to live on spoils.
    Those who live by labor.   --Sir W. Temple.
 9. To outlast danger; to float; -- said of a ship, boat, etc.; as, no ship could live in such a storm.
    A strong mast that lived upon the sea.   --Shak.
 To live out, to be at service; to live away from home as a servant. [U. S.]
 To live with. (a) To dwell or to be a lodger with. (b) To cohabit with; to have intercourse with, as male with female.

From: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

 Liv·ing a.
 1. Being alive; having life; as, a living creature.  Opposed to dead.
 2. Active; lively; vigorous; -- said esp. of states of the mind, and sometimes of abstract things; as, a living faith; a living principle. Living hope. ”
 3. Issuing continually from the earth; running; flowing; as, a living spring; -- opposed to stagnant.
 4. Producing life, action, animation, or vigor; quickening. Living light.”
 5. Ignited; glowing with heat; burning; live.
    Then on the living coals wine they pour.   --Dryden.
 Living force. See Vis viva, under Vis.
 Living gale Naut., a heavy gale.
 Living rock or Living stone, rock in its native or original state or location; rock not quarried. I now found myself on a rude and narrow stairway, the steps of which were cut out of the living rock.” --Moore.
 The living, those who are alive, or one who is alive.

From: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

 Liv·ing, n.
 1. The state of one who, or that which, lives; lives; life; existence. “Health and living.”
 2. Manner of life; as, riotous living; penurious living; earnest living. A vicious living.”
 3. Means of subsistence; sustenance; estate; as, to make a comfortable living from writing.
    She can spin for her living.   --Shak.
    He divided unto them his living.   --Luke xv. 12.
 4. Power of continuing life; the act of living, or living comfortably.
    There is no living without trusting somebody or other in some cases.   --L' Estrange.
 5. The benefice of a clergyman; an ecclesiastical charge which a minister receives. [Eng.]
    He could not get a deanery, a prebend, or even a living   --Macaulay.

From: WordNet (r) 2.0

      adj 1: pertaining to living persons; "within living memory"
      2: true to life; lifelike; "the living image of her mother"
      3: dwelling or inhabiting; often used in combination; "living
         quarters"; "tree-living animals"
      4: (informal) absolute; "she is a living doll"; "scared the
         living daylights out of them"; "beat the living hell out
         of him"
      5: still in existence; "the Wollemi pine found in Australia is
         a surviving specimen of a conifer thought to have been
         long extinct and therefore known as a living fossil"; "the
         only surviving frontier blockhouse in Pennsylvania" [syn:
      6: still in active use; "a living language"
      7: (used of minerals or stone) in its natural state and place;
         not mined or quarried; "carved into the living stone";
         [syn: living(a)]
      n 1: the experience of living; the course of human events and
           activities; "he could no longer cope with the
           complexities of life" [syn: life]
      2: people who are still living; "save your pity for the living"
         [ant: dead]
      3: the condition of living or the state of being alive; "while
         there's life there's hope"; "life depends on many chemical
         and physical processes" [syn: animation, life, aliveness]
      4: the financial means whereby one lives; "each child was
         expected to pay for their keep"; "he applied to the state
         for support"; "he could no longer earn his own livelihood"
         [syn: support, keep, livelihood, bread and butter,