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 fruit sugar

From: DICT.TW English-Chinese Medical Dictionary 英漢醫學字典

 fruit sugar 名詞

From: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

 Lev·u·lose n.  Chem. A sirupy variety of sugar, rarely obtained crystallized, occurring widely in honey, ripe fruits, etc., and hence called also fruit sugar; also called fructose.  Chemical formula: C6H12O6.  It is called levulose, because it rotates the plane of polarization of light to the left, in contrast to dextrose, the other product of the hydrolysis of sucrose. [Written also laevulose.]
 Note:It is obtained, together with an equal quantity of dextrose, by the inversion of ordinary cane or beet sugar, and hence, as being an ingredient of invert sugar, is often so called.  It is fermentable, nearly as sweet as cane sugar, and is metameric with dextrose.  Cf. Dextrose.

From: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

 Sug·ar n.
 1. A sweet white (or brownish yellow) crystalline substance, of a sandy or granular consistency, obtained by crystallizing the evaporated juice of certain plants, as the sugar cane, sorghum, beet root, sugar maple, etc. It is used for seasoning and preserving many kinds of food and drink. Ordinary sugar is essentially sucrose. See the Note below.
 Note:The term sugar includes several commercial grades, as the white or refined, granulated, loaf or lump, and the raw brown or muscovado. In a more general sense, it includes several distinct chemical compounds, as the glucoses, or grape sugars (including glucose proper, dextrose, and levulose), and the sucroses, or true sugars (as cane sugar). All sugars are carbohydrates. See Carbohydrate.
     The glucoses, or grape sugars, are ketone alcohols of the formula C6H12O6, and they turn the plane of polarization to the right or the left. They are produced from the amyloses and sucroses, as by the action of heat and acids of ferments, and are themselves decomposed by fermentation into alcohol and carbon dioxide. The only sugar (called acrose) as yet produced artificially belongs to this class. The sucroses, or cane sugars, are doubled glucose anhydrides of the formula C12H22O11. They are usually not fermentable as such (cf. Sucrose), and they act on polarized light.
 2. By extension, anything resembling sugar in taste or appearance; as, sugar of lead (lead acetate), a poisonous white crystalline substance having a sweet taste.
 3. Compliment or flattery used to disguise or render acceptable something obnoxious; honeyed or soothing words. [Colloq.]
 Acorn sugar. See Quercite.
 Cane sugar, sugar made from the sugar cane; sucrose, or an isomeric sugar. See Sucrose.
 Diabetes sugar, or Diabetic sugar Med. Chem., a variety of sugar (grape sugar or dextrose) excreted in the urine in diabetes mellitus; -- the presence of such a sugar in the urine is used to diagnose the illness.
 Fruit sugar. See under Fruit, and Fructose.
 Grape sugar, a sirupy or white crystalline sugar (dextrose or glucose) found as a characteristic ingredient of ripe grapes, and also produced from many other sources. See Dextrose, and Glucose.
 Invert sugar. See under Invert.
 Malt sugar, a variety of sugar isomeric with sucrose, found in malt. See Maltose.
 Manna sugar, a substance found in manna, resembling, but distinct from, the sugars. See Mannite.
 Milk sugar, a variety of sugar characteristic of fresh milk, and isomeric with sucrose. See Lactose.
 Muscle sugar, a sweet white crystalline substance isomeric with, and formerly regarded to, the glucoses.  It is found in the tissue of muscle, the heart, liver, etc. Called also heart sugar. See Inosite.
 Pine sugar. See Pinite.
 Starch sugar Com. Chem., a variety of dextrose made by the action of heat and acids on starch from corn, potatoes, etc.; -- called also potato sugar, corn sugar, and, inaccurately, invert sugar. See Dextrose, and Glucose.
 Sugar barek, one who refines sugar.
 Sugar beet Bot., a variety of beet (Beta vulgaris) with very large white roots, extensively grown, esp. in Europe, for the sugar obtained from them.
 Sugar berry Bot., the hackberry.
 Sugar bird Zool., any one of several species of small South American singing birds of the genera Coereba, Dacnis, and allied genera belonging to the family Coerebidae. They are allied to the honey eaters.
 Sugar bush. See Sugar orchard.
 Sugar camp, a place in or near a sugar orchard, where maple sugar is made.
 Sugar candian, sugar candy. [Obs.]
 Sugar candy, sugar clarified and concreted or crystallized; candy made from sugar.
 Sugar cane Bot., a tall perennial grass (Saccharum officinarium), with thick short-jointed stems. It has been cultivated for ages as the principal source of sugar.
 Sugar loaf. (a) A loaf or mass of refined sugar, usually in the form of a truncated cone. (b) A hat shaped like a sugar loaf.
    Why, do not or know you, grannam, and that sugar loaf?   --J. Webster.
 -- Sugar maple Bot., the rock maple (Acer saccharinum). See Maple.
 Sugar mill, a machine for pressing out the juice of the sugar cane, usually consisting of three or more rollers, between which the cane is passed.
 Sugar mite. Zool. (a) A small mite (Tyroglyphus sacchari), often found in great numbers in unrefined sugar. (b) The lepisma.
 Sugar of lead. See Sugar, 2, above.
 Sugar of milk. See under Milk.
 Sugar orchard, a collection of maple trees selected and preserved for purpose of obtaining sugar from them; -- called also, sometimes, sugar bush. [U.S.] --Bartlett.
 Sugar pine Bot., an immense coniferous tree (Pinus Lambertiana) of California and Oregon, furnishing a soft and easily worked timber. The resinous exudation from the stumps, etc., has a sweetish taste, and has been used as a substitute for sugar.
 Sugar squirrel Zool., an Australian flying phalanger (Belideus sciureus), having a long bushy tail and a large parachute. It resembles a flying squirrel. See Illust. under Phlanger.
 Sugar tongs, small tongs, as of silver, used at table for taking lumps of sugar from a sugar bowl.
 Sugar tree. Bot. See Sugar maple, above.

From: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

 Fruit n.
 1. Whatever is produced for the nourishment or enjoyment of man or animals by the processes of vegetable growth, as corn, grass, cotton, flax, etc.; -- commonly used in the plural.
 Six years thou shalt sow thy land, and shalt gather in the
 fruits thereof.   --Ex. xxiii. 10.
 2. Hort. The pulpy, edible seed vessels of certain plants, especially those grown on branches above ground, as apples, oranges, grapes, melons, berries, etc. See 3.
 3. Bot. The ripened ovary of a flowering plant, with its contents and whatever parts are consolidated with it.
 Note:Fruits are classified as fleshy, drupaceous, and dry. Fleshy fruits include berries, gourds, and melons, orangelike fruits and pomes; drupaceous fruits are stony within and fleshy without, as peaches, plums, and cherries; and dry fruits are further divided into achenes, follicles, legumes, capsules, nuts, and several other kinds.
 4. Bot. The spore cases or conceptacles of flowerless plants, as of ferns, mosses, algae, etc., with the spores contained in them.
 6. The produce of animals; offspring; young; as, the fruit of the womb, of the loins, of the body.
    King Edward's fruit, true heir to the English crown.   --Shak.
 6. That which is produced; the effect or consequence of any action; advantageous or desirable product or result; disadvantageous or evil consequence or effect; as, the fruits of labor, of self-denial, of intemperance.
    The fruit of rashness.   --Shak.
    What I obtained was the fruit of no bargain.   --Burke.
    They shall eat the fruit of their doings.   --Is. iii 10.
    The fruits of this education became visible.   --Macaulay.
 Note:Fruit is frequently used adjectively, signifying of, for, or pertaining to a fruit or fruits; as, fruit bud; fruit frame; fruit jar; fruit knife; fruit loft; fruit show; fruit stall; fruit tree; etc.
 Fruit bat Zool., one of the Frugivora; -- called also fruit-eating bat.
 Fruit bud Bot., a bud that produces fruit; -- in most oplants the same as the power bud. Fruit dot Bot., a collection of fruit cases, as in ferns. See Sorus.
 Fruit fly Zool., a small dipterous insect of the genus Drosophila, which lives in fruit, in the larval state.  There are seveal species, some of which are very damaging to fruit crops.  One species, Drosophila melanogaster, has been intensively studied as a model species for genetic reserach.
 Fruit jar, a jar for holding preserved fruit, usually made of glass or earthenware.
 Fruit pigeon Zool., one of numerous species of pigeons of the family Carpophagidæ, inhabiting India, Australia, and the Pacific Islands. They feed largely upon fruit. and are noted for their beautiful colors.
 Fruit sugar Chem., a kind of sugar occurring, naturally formed, in many ripe fruits, and in honey; levulose. The name is also, though rarely, applied to invert sugar, or to the natural mixture or dextrose and levulose resembling it, and found in fruits and honey.
 Fruit tree Hort., a tree cultivated for its edible fruit.
 Fruit worm Zool., one of numerous species of insect larvæ: which live in the interior of fruit. They are mostly small species of Lepidoptera and Diptera.
 Small fruits Hort., currants, raspberries, strawberries, etc.

From: WordNet (r) 2.0

 fruit sugar
      n : a simple sugar found in honey and in many ripe fruits [syn:
          fructose, levulose, laevulose]