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From: DICT.TW English-Chinese Medical Dictionary 英漢醫學字典

 blister beetle 名詞

From: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

 Po·ta·to n.; pl. Potatoes   Bot. (a) A plant (Solanum tuberosum) of the Nightshade family, and its esculent farinaceous tuber, of which there are numerous varieties used for food. It is native of South America, but a form of the species is found native as far north as New Mexico. (b) The sweet potato (see below).
 Potato beetle, Potato bug. Zool. (a) A beetle (Doryphora decemlineata) which feeds, both in the larval and adult stages, upon the leaves of the potato, often doing great damage. Called also Colorado potato beetle, and Doryphora. See Colorado beetle. (b) The Lema trilineata, a smaller and more slender striped beetle which feeds upon the potato plant, bur does less injury than the preceding species.
 Potato fly Zool., any one of several species of blister beetles infesting the potato vine.  The black species (Lytta atrata), the striped (Lytta vittata), and the gray (Lytta  Fabricii syn. Lytta cinerea) are the most common. See Blister beetle, under Blister.
 Potato rot, a disease of the tubers of the potato, supposed to be caused by a kind of mold (Peronospora infestans), which is first seen upon the leaves and stems.
 Potato weevil Zool., an American weevil (Baridius trinotatus) whose larva lives in and kills the stalks of potato vines, often causing serious damage to the crop.
 Potato whisky, a strong, fiery liquor, having a hot, smoky taste, and rich in amyl alcohol (fusel oil); it is made from potatoes or potato starch.
 Potato worm Zool., the large green larva of a sphinx, or hawk moth (Macrosila quinquemaculata); -- called also tomato worm. See Illust. under Tomato.
 Seaside potato Bot., Ipomœa Pes-Capræ, a kind of morning-glory with rounded and emarginate or bilobed leaves. [West Indies]
 Sweet potato Bot., a climbing plant (Ipomœa Balatas) allied to the morning-glory. Its farinaceous tubers have a sweetish taste, and are used, when cooked, for food. It is probably a native of Brazil, but is cultivated extensively in the warmer parts of every continent, and even as far north as New Jersey. The name potato was applied to this plant before it was to the Solanum tuberosum, and this is the “potato” of the Southern United States.
 Wild potato. Bot. (a) A vine (Ipomœa pandurata) having a pale purplish flower and an enormous root. It is common in sandy places in the United States. (b) A similar tropical American plant (Ipomœa fastigiata) which it is thought may have been the original stock of the sweet potato.

From: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

 Span·ish a. Of or pertaining to Spain or the Spaniards.
 Spanish bayonet Bot., a liliaceous plant (Yucca alorifolia) with rigid spine-tipped leaves. The name is also applied to other similar plants of the Southwestern United States and mexico. Called also Spanish daggers.
 Spanish bean Bot. See the Note under Bean.
 Spanish black, a black pigment obtained by charring cork. --Ure.
 Spanish broom Bot., a leguminous shrub (Spartium junceum) having many green flexible rushlike twigs.
 Spanish brown, a species of earth used in painting, having a dark reddish brown color, due to the presence of sesquioxide of iron.
 Spanish buckeye Bot., a small tree (Ungnadia speciosa) of Texas, New Mexico, etc., related to the buckeye, but having pinnate leaves and a three-seeded fruit.
 Spanish burton Naut., a purchase composed of two single blocks. A double Spanish burton has one double and two single blocks. --Luce (Textbook of Seamanship).
 Spanish chalk Min., a kind of steatite; -- so called because obtained from Aragon in Spain.
 Spanish cress Bot., a cruciferous plant (Lepidium Cadamines), a species of peppergrass.
 Spanish curlew Zool., the long-billed curlew. [U.S.]
 Spanish daggers Bot. See Spanish bayonet.
 Spanish elm Bot., a large West Indian tree (Cordia Gerascanthus) furnishing hard and useful timber.
 Spanish feretto, a rich reddish brown pigment obtained by calcining copper and sulphur together in closed crucibles.
 Spanish flag Zool., the California rockfish (Sebastichthys rubrivinctus). It is conspicuously colored with bands of red and white.
 Spanish fly Zool., a brilliant green beetle, common in the south of Europe, used for raising blisters. See Blister beetle under Blister, and Cantharis.
 Spanish fox Naut., a yarn twisted against its lay.
 Spanish grass. Bot. See Esparto.
 Spanish juice Bot., licorice.
 Spanish leather. See Cordwain.
 Spanish mackerel. Zool. (a) A species of mackerel (Scomber colias) found both in Europe and America. In America called chub mackerel, big-eyed mackerel, and bull mackerel. (b) In the United States, a handsome mackerel having bright yellow round spots (Scomberomorus maculatus), highly esteemed as a food fish. The name is sometimes erroneously applied to other species. See Illust. under Mackerel.
 Spanish main, the name formerly given to the southern portion of the Caribbean Sea, together with the contiguous coast, embracing the route traversed by Spanish treasure ships from the New to the Old World.
 Spanish moss. Bot. See Tillandsia (and note at that entry).
 Spanish needles Bot., a composite weed (Bidens bipinnata) having achenia armed with needlelike awns.
 Spanish nut Bot., a bulbous plant (Iris Sisyrinchium) of the south of Europe.
 Spanish potato Bot., the sweet potato. See under Potato.
 Spanish red, an ocherous red pigment resembling Venetian red, but slightly yellower and warmer. --Fairholt.
 Spanish reef Naut., a knot tied in the head of a jib-headed sail.
 Spanish sheep Zool., a merino.
 Spanish white, an impalpable powder prepared from chalk by pulverizing and repeated washings, -- used as a white pigment.
 Spanish windlass Naut., a wooden roller, with a rope wound about it, into which a marline spike is thrust to serve as a lever.

From: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

 Blis·ter n.
 1. A vesicle of the skin, containing watery matter or serum, whether occasioned by a burn or other injury, or by a vesicatory; a collection of serous fluid causing a bladderlike elevation of the cuticle.
    And painful blisters swelled my tender hands.   --Grainger.
 2. Any elevation made by the separation of the film or skin, as on plants; or by the swelling of the substance at the surface, as on steel.
 3. A vesicatory; a plaster of Spanish flies, or other matter, applied to raise a blister.
 Blister beetle, a beetle used to raise blisters, esp. the Lytta vesicatoria (or Cantharis vesicatoria), called Cantharis or Spanish fly by druggists. See Cantharis.
 Blister fly, a blister beetle.
 Blister plaster, a plaster designed to raise a blister; -- usually made of Spanish flies.
 Blister steel, crude steel formed from wrought iron by cementation; -- so called because of its blistered surface. Called also blistered steel.
 Blood blister. See under Blood.

From: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

 Can·tha·ris n.; pl. Cantharides   Zool. A beetle (Lytta  vesicatoria, syn. Cantharis vesicatoria), having an elongated cylindrical body of a brilliant green color, and a nauseous odor; the blister fly or blister beetle, of the apothecary; -- also called Spanish fly. Many other species of Lytta, used for the same purpose, take the same name. See Blister beetle, under Blister. The plural form in usually applied to the dried insects used in medicine.

From: WordNet (r) 2.0

 blister beetle
      n : beetle that produces a secretion that blisters the skin
          [syn: meloid]