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8 definitions found

From: DICT.TW English-Chinese Dictionary 英漢字典

 house /ˈhaʊs/

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From: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

 House n.; pl. Houses
 1. A structure intended or used as a habitation or shelter for animals of any kind; but especially, a building or edifice for the habitation of man; a dwelling place, a mansion.
    Houses are built to live in; not to look on.   --Bacon.
 Bees with smoke and doves with noisome stench
 Are from their hives and houses driven away.   --Shak.
 2. Household affairs; domestic concerns; particularly in the phrase to keep house. See below.
 3. Those who dwell in the same house; a household.
    One that feared God with all his house.   --Acts x. 2.
 4. A family of ancestors, descendants, and kindred; a race of persons from the same stock; a tribe; especially, a noble family or an illustrious race; as, the house of Austria; the house of Hanover; the house of Israel.
 The last remaining pillar of their house,
 The one transmitter of their ancient name.   --Tennyson.
 5. One of the estates of a kingdom or other government assembled in parliament or legislature; a body of men united in a legislative capacity; as, the House of Lords; the House of Commons; the House of Representatives; also, a quorum of such a body. See Congress, and Parliament.
 6. Com. A firm, or commercial establishment.
 7. A public house; an inn; a hotel.
 8. Astrol. A twelfth part of the heavens, as divided by six circles intersecting at the north and south points of the horizon, used by astrologers in noting the positions of the heavenly bodies, and casting horoscopes or nativities. The houses were regarded as fixed in respect to the horizon, and numbered from the one at the eastern horizon, called the ascendant, first house, or house of life, downward, or in the direction of the earth's revolution, the stars and planets passing through them in the reverse order every twenty-four hours.
 9. A square on a chessboard, regarded as the proper place of a piece.
 10. An audience; an assembly of hearers, as at a lecture, a theater, etc.; as, a thin or a full house.
 11. The body, as the habitation of the soul.
 This mortal house I'll ruin,
 Do Cæsar what he can.   --Shak.
 12. Usage: [With an adj., as narrow, dark, etc.] The grave. “The narrow house.”
 Note:House is much used adjectively and as the first element of compounds. The sense is usually obvious; as, house cricket, housemaid, house painter, housework.
 House ant Zool., a very small, yellowish brown ant (Myrmica molesta), which often infests houses, and sometimes becomes a great pest.
 House of bishops Prot. Epis. Ch., one of the two bodies composing a general convertion, the other being House of Clerical and Lay Deputies.
 House boat, a covered boat used as a dwelling.
 House of call, a place, usually a public house, where journeymen connected with a particular trade assemble when out of work, ready for the call of employers. [Eng.] --Simonds.
 House car Railroad, a freight car with inclosing sides and a roof; a box car.
 House of correction. See Correction.
 House cricket Zool., a European cricket (Gryllus domesticus), which frequently lives in houses, between the bricks of chimneys and fireplaces. It is noted for the loud chirping or stridulation of the males.
 House dog, a dog kept in or about a dwelling house.
 House finch Zool., the burion.
 House flag, a flag denoting the commercial house to which a merchant vessel belongs.
 House fly Zool., a common fly (esp. Musca domestica), which infests houses both in Europe and America. Its larva is a maggot which lives in decaying substances or excrement, about sink drains, etc.
 House of God, a temple or church.
 House of ill fame. See Ill fame under Ill, a.
 House martin Zool., a common European swallow (Hirundo urbica). It has feathered feet, and builds its nests of mud against the walls of buildings. Called also house swallow, and window martin.
 House mouse Zool., the common mouse (Mus musculus).
 House physician, the resident medical adviser of a hospital or other public institution.
 House snake Zool., the milk snake.
 House sparrow Zool., the common European sparrow (Passer domesticus). It has recently been introduced into America, where it has become very abundant, esp. in cities. Called also thatch sparrow.
 House spider Zool., any spider which habitually lives in houses. Among the most common species are Theridium tepidariorum and Tegenaria domestica.
 House surgeon, the resident surgeon of a hospital.
 House wren Zool., the common wren of the Eastern United States (Troglodytes aëdon). It is common about houses and in gardens, and is noted for its vivacity, and loud musical notes. See Wren.
 Religious house, a monastery or convent.
 The White House, the official residence of the President of the United States; -- hence, colloquially, the office of President.
 To bring down the house. See under Bring.
 To keep house, to maintain an independent domestic establishment.
 To keep open house, to entertain friends at all times.
 Syn: -- Dwelling; residence; abode. See Tenement.

From: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

 House v. t. [imp. & p. p. Housed p. pr. & vb. n. Housing.]
 1. To take or put into a house; to shelter under a roof; to cover from the inclemencies of the weather; to protect by covering; as, to house one's family in a comfortable home; to house farming utensils; to house cattle.
    At length have housed me in a humble shed.   --Young.
    House your choicest carnations, or rather set them under a penthouse.   --Evelyn.
 2. To drive to a shelter.
 3. To admit to residence; to harbor.
    Palladius wished him to house all the Helots.   --Sir P. Sidney.
 4. To deposit and cover, as in the grave.
 5. Naut. To stow in a safe place; to take down and make safe; as, to house the upper spars.

From: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

 House, v. i.
 1. To take shelter or lodging; to abide to dwell; to lodge.
    You shall not house with me.   --Shak.
 2. Astrol. To have a position in one of the houses. See House, n., 8. “Where Saturn houses.”

From: WordNet (r) 2.0

      n 1: a dwelling that serves as living quarters for one or more
           families; "he has a house on Cape Cod"; "she felt she
           had to get out of the house"
      2: an official assembly having legislative powers; "the
         legislature has two houses"
      3: a building in which something is sheltered or located; "they
         had a large carriage house"
      4: a social unit living together; "he moved his family to
         Virginia"; "It was a good Christian household"; "I waited
         until the whole house was asleep"; "the teacher asked how
         many people made up his home" [syn: family, household,
          home, menage]
      5: a building where theatrical performances or motion-picture
         shows can be presented; "the house was full" [syn: theater,
      6: members of a business organization that owns or operates one
         or more establishments; "he worked for a brokerage house"
         [syn: firm, business firm]
      7: aristocratic family line; "the House of York"
      8: the members of a religious community living together
      9: the audience gathered together in a theatre or cinema; "the
         house applauded"; "he counted the house"
      10: play in which children take the roles of father or mother or
          children and pretend to interact like adults; "the
          children were playing house"
      11: (astrology) one of 12 equal areas into which the zodiac is
          divided [syn: sign of the zodiac, star sign, sign,
          mansion, planetary house]
      12: the management of a gambling house or casino; "the house
          gets a percentage of every bet"
      v 1: contain or cover; "This box houses the gears"
      2: provide housing for; "The immigrants were housed in a new
         development outside the town" [syn: put up, domiciliate]

From: Easton's 1897 Bible Dictionary

    Till their sojourn in Egypt the Hebrews dwelt in tents. They
    then for the first time inhabited cities (Gen. 47:3; Ex. 12:7;
    Heb. 11:9). From the earliest times the Assyrians and the
    Canaanites were builders of cities. The Hebrews after the
    Conquest took possession of the captured cities, and seem to
    have followed the methods of building that had been pursued by
    the Canaanites. Reference is made to the stone (1 Kings 7:9;
    Isa. 9:10) and marble (1 Chr. 29:2) used in building, and to the
    internal wood-work of the houses (1 Kings 6:15; 7:2; 10:11, 12;
    2 Chr. 3:5; Jer. 22:14). "Ceiled houses" were such as had beams
    inlaid in the walls to which wainscotting was fastened (Ezra
    6:4; Jer. 22:14; Hag. 1:4). "Ivory houses" had the upper parts
    of the walls adorned with figures in stucco with gold and ivory
    (1 Kings 22:39; 2 Chr. 3:6; Ps. 45:8).
      The roofs of the dwelling-houses were flat, and are often
    alluded to in Scripture (2 Sam. 11:2; Isa. 22:1; Matt. 24:17).
    Sometimes tents or booths were erected on them (2 Sam. 16:22).
    They were protected by parapets or low walls (Deut. 22:8). On
    the house-tops grass sometimes grew (Prov. 19:13; 27:15; Ps.
    129:6, 7). They were used, not only as places of recreation in
    the evening, but also sometimes as sleeping-places at night (1
    Sam. 9:25, 26; 2 Sam. 11:2; 16:22; Dan. 4:29; Job 27:18; Prov.
    21:9), and as places of devotion (Jer. 32:29; 19:13).